Are you on the lookout for the best marriage counseling books? If you are, then you’ll be glad to know that you have landed on the right page!
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We understand that not everyone is comfortable with the idea of counseling; or sharing their marital issues with a stranger (counselor).
Therefore, we’ve compiled top marriage counseling books that will help you in saving your relationship with your life partner.
Table of Contents
1. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman.
This is one of the best marriage counseling books that every married person must read. Whether your marriage is on the rocks or not, this book is worth reading.
It teaches how partners can be better listeners and communicators in their relationship. A person in a relationship needs to understand “the love language” their partner speaks.
Follow that and they will save their marriage that might be on the brink of divorce!
2. Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married by Gary Chapman.
Those of you, who are engaged, newly married, or about to get married, this book is just for you.
In this eye-opening book, Chapman discusses potential problems that couples may face after they say “I do”.
These could be the challenges that partners may not be prepared for. And hence, may end up making wrong or regretful actions.
To be on top of things in advance, this marriage-saving book should be your current or next read.
Master the skills to Build A Stronger Relationship
3. Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples by Harville Hendrix.
Our list for marriage counseling books will be incomplete without the inclusion of this wonderful book.
Unlike the previous two books, this one looks at relationships from a more scientific perspective. It revolves around the theory that you are attracted to people with traits that you may personally lack.
You choose a partner that can fill the void for you. For instance, if you are not an emotionally strong person, you’ll want your partner to be.
The unintentional aim is to have a partner that can heal the part of you that needs healing. For more worth-pondering ideas, pick this book today!
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4. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert by John M. Gottman.
This is one of those marriage books that talk about how couples can turn an unhappy marriage into a happy one.
It discusses proven strategies and exercises that can help them achieve their noble aim.
If both the partners have to work hard on their communication skills, this guidebook is a great starting point!
5. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson.
For couples wanting to take their marriage to an upper level may find necessary guidance from this amazing book.
This book shows that at times it is hurtful memories of the past that create a block in a relationship.
It teaches how, together, partners can move past these torturing memories and create new, wonderful ones.
6. Love and Respect Workbook by Emerson Eggerichs.
This workbook is an extension of the marriage counseling book that is available by the same title. You can still read and understand it completely if you haven’t read the other one.
Like many marriage-counseling books, this fantastic workbook illustrates strategic exercises that can rekindle the withered connection with your partner.
It will further provide you with subtle ways to “love and respect” your partner. These ways will keep your partner satisfied, and in turn keep your relationship alive and going for years to come!
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7. Rocking the Roles: Building a Win-Win Marriage by Robert Lewis and William D. Hendricks.
Many popular marriage books demonstrate breaking the stereotypical roles that are generally assigned to partners in a marriage. This relieves both partners from the pressure of living up to these conventional duties.
Similarly, Rocking the Roles suggest partners to not hesitate when trying to liberate themselves from traditional expectations.
Do whatever rocks your world to make your marriage work! This book also highlights the marriage principles ruled in the Bible.
If you are interested to learn what the Bible exemplifies the perfect marriage, get this book!
8. Fight Fair: Winning Conflict Without Losing at Love by Joy Downs.
No one has ever heard of a marriage that has not seen dark days. Every marriage spikes up an argument or two, at some point in time. The best you can do is “fight fair,” and this useful book teaches how.
Most partners, during an argument, bring in past resentments that make matters worse. It is only fair to fight back is by just focusing on the issue at hand, nothing else.
This is an ideal book to learn how you can have a productive argument with your spouse, and that too “without losing at love”!
9. Turn Up the Heat: A Couple’s Guide to Intimacy by Dr. Kevin Leman.
Many couples struggle with keeping the physical intimacy fresh and alive in their marriage, years down the line.
If you are experiencing the same issue, this book can come in handy. It also discusses how couples can keep their sexual chemistry alive even after having children.
10. Intimacy & Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship by Dr. David Schnarch.
Among the best marriage-counseling books, Intimacy & Desire reigns supreme.
The book indicates that physical intimacy is an essential aspect of any marriage. Without it, your marriage may lose its spark.
The book talks about how both partners can work on maintaining a healthy sexual equation with each other. The tips mentioned in this book are easy to follow.
Hence, every couple should read it to keep their marriage alive forever!
11. The Sex-Starved Marriage: Boosting Your Marriage Libido: A Couples Guide by Michele Weiner Davis.
This book teaches to re-evaluate your relationship from your partner’s point of view. If your partner has physical needs and you don’t or are not fulfilling them, then the problem is worse than you can imagine.
At times like these, you will need to assess and change your actions and approaches and think about how you can keep your partner more satisfied.
12. Rekindling Desire: A Step by Step Program to Help Low-Sex and No Sex Marriages by Barry W. McCarthy and Emily J. McCarthy.
One of the reasons for the breakdown of a marriage is a low sex drive or no sex at all. And this step-to-step guidebook helps show how you can rekindle the lost passion in your marriage.
It does not always have to be your partner’s duty to initiate physical intimacy; you can and should do it to maintain a deep, healthy relationship.
13. Intended for Pleasure by Ed Wheat and Gaye Wheat.
If you are curious to find out what Biblical teachings are regarding sexual intimacy in a marriage, look no further then!
In Intended for Pleasure, you will find how you should go about sex life in a Christian way in your marriage.
Plus, you will also get information on current medical research on sex, relationships, and sexual health.
14. His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley.
This highly innovative marriage book points out the ten most essential needs partners demand from each other in their marriage.
It guides you on how you can fulfill these needs and make your marriage a successful one. The author realizes its readers that it is important to take care of these needs.
Otherwise, no matter how irresistible partners find each other in the early years of their marriage may become ill-matched after a few years!
15. The Couple’s Survival Workbook by David C. Olsen and Douglas B. Stephens.
This highly authentic workbook is a work of genius, to say the least. Written by well-experienced couple’s therapists, Olsen and Stephens point out major reasons that may decay a marriage.
Keeping those marriage-harming zones in mind, they list down amazing exercises that couples can incorporate into their daily life.
By following these tips and tricks, partners can escape these marital problems and move toward harmonizing their bond with each other. If you sense your marriage going awry, you now know which book to turn to!
The best thing about this workbook is that it doesn’t demand both partners to get involved in these marriage-enhancing exercises.
Marriage is never easy; it constantly requires a lot of work from both ends of the partners. There is no particular set path that teaches how to live a happy, content life with another human being.
That being said, there are certain communicational and behavioral tools that ensure the relationship with your spouse is fully aligned.
Couples, whether they are happily married or going through a tough time, should have a look at these marriage counseling books.
They never know which one of these marriage counseling books may take your marriage to new heights of success.