15 Ways to Make Your Husband Happy Every Day

By David Small •  Updated: 03/08/18 •  12 min read

Need to make your husband happy? Like genuinely happy? It’s about time!  A blissful marriage is doable. Yes! Even in the 21st century. You are cable of a long-lasting, blissful, engaging, awesome marriage. You deserve it!  It’s about time you salvaged your marriage! Be that oasis in the desert.

Ways to Make Your Husband Happy Every Day

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Imagine being the wife of a royal, successful, loving, and happy husband. It all starts with you. It’s doable! You can do it! You should do it! Here’s how you do it!

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#1 Change Your Attitude!

Attitude is leadership! To lead your marriage to a blissful place, you’ll have to change your attitude first! That’s  what  Sheila Wray Gregoire  encourages  in her book Nine Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage: Because a Great Relationship Doesn’t Happen by Accident

If you keep approaching matters the same way you did yesterday, your tomorrow will, unfortunately, be like your yesterday. Same old, same old, just a different day! Boring is an understatement. Next time you get into a fight with your better half, try using a different approach.

Say you’re used to giving him the silent treatment for a week or so after a fight. Try changing that approach! Instead, talk to him immediately. You can talk about something you both agree on. It’s never that serious! Relax! Remember a happy husband is worth swallowing your pride and ego for.

#2 Be Blissful!

Wow! To make your husband happy every day, you’ll have to be happy first! It’s a win-win scenario for both of you. Either way, you both win! You end up happy. Isn’t that what you want? To be happy with a happy husband asks Darien B. Cooper. His thought-provoking book ” You Can Be the Wife of a Happy Husband: Discovering the Keys to Marital Success ” is a must-read.

So, what makes you happy? What takes away the everyday pressures of life for you? What’s yours to go to an activity, the one that sends shivers down your spleen? Do that more. Go for hiking, adventures, hang out with your girls (you could consider doing a girls trip to J  ). Whatever you do, be happy. Stay Happy!

Husband Happy

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#3 Compliment him! It will Make Your Husband Happy Every Day

A genuine, kind word is worth a fortune!  Are you on a mission to make your husband happy? Complimenting him will smoothen and bliss things up. Kathi Lipp in her bestselling book  “101 Simple Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him Advices women to compliment their husbands and brag about them in social media.

“Compliments help boost his self-esteem and ego concurrently,” says Nathaniel Barnett.  Find something new to compliment him on every day. Appreciate your God-given man! Make your marriage a blissful haven by complimenting him daily. A dose of daily compliments will create a husband happily, and a happy husband equals a happy wife and marriage.

#4   Ears and eyes on him!

You know how great it feels like when you got all his attention?  When he is ravishing you and spoiling you like the darling you are. Well, reciprocate that! Give him all your attention when you’re with him. Let every second of every day count! Lance Armstrong in his book “Every Second Countswill help you understand your man better”.

You’re probably thinking “It’s the 21st century! When are you going to do your 2 shifts and give your hubby the attention he deserves? Sounds like too much work, yes? No! You need to keep your priorities in check woman! Your work won’t take care of you when you’re bedridden. Your hubby will!

Maximize and optimize the time you spend together. Look into each other’s eyes when talking; give him that much-needed attention when you’re with him. A happy husband will then be inevitable. Remember, quality matters!


photo by Josh Willink on pexels.com

#5 Get kinky in the sheets

Submit woman! Submit!  Let yourself go when you’re making love. Enjoy this God-given gift to the maximum! Be willing to submit to his desires. It’s either you do it in this world, in this lifetime or never! The decision is yours. The wise move, however, is doing it in this lifetime, says James Francis Byrnes in his book “All in one lifetime”.

You’re probably cursing the stretch marks, cellulitis and ‘misplaced’ fats your husband will have to see, yes? Well, this is where ‘for better or worse’ comes in. Worry not! He’ll love you in spite of them. If you’re being kinky and submissive, he won’t be looking at that anyway.

#6 Be the woman he fell in love with

Yes! Change is inevitable. But you don’t have to lose yourself in it. Say you used to cook his meals every day. You’ve however had to take up another shift @ work, hence won’t be able to cook. How do you handle such a change?

You were a size 6 during your wedding.  Now, you’re size 10 thanks to changing times. How do you handle such changes and still be you? According to Stormie Omartian, it’s completely possible. Her book “The Power of a Praying® Wife Devotional” guides women on this. Think Compromise!

You are a beautiful woman inside out! Don’t lose what makes you human, what made you stand out in his eyes. A beautiful soul will always be beautiful despite the outside pressures of life! Stay beautiful inside!

Ways to Make Your Husband Happy Every Day

photo by Artem Beliaikin

#7 Support his ambitions and Dreams

This is another win-win scenario. You’re in his ambitions and dreams. When he succeeds, you succeed. That ’s teamwork. Start by acknowledging his goals. You can make some together if he hadn’t identified them yet.  Get to know his dreams and long-term visions.

According to  Cindi McMenamin being a cheerleader of his ambitions and dreams is how you end up making your husband happy. His well-researched book advises women to believe in their man’s dreams and goals. Cheer him on concurrently focusing on your individual goals and dreams. In case of any conflicting goals or uncertainty in long-term visions, discuss them freely. You don’t need an answer right away so don’t fight over it!

#8 Be a Friend and it will make your Husband Happy 

Who’s a true friend according to him? What’s his definition of a best friend? Find that out and be it! Best friends make blissful marriages! Listen to him, cheer him on, don’t use the information he told you in confidence against him and most importantly, be yourself when you’re with him.  Make him your best friend too.  You’re blessed and fortunate to have met someone who loves you and got your back.

Having a man who’s your confidant, lover and best friend will certainly mean a happy marriage. Try it! Your marriage will thank you!

Husband Happy

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You know how you’re saving up for old age? How you’ve been eating healthy, exercising and investing in your future? That’s how you start investing in your man! Together, invest in each other’s future.  Say he has a goal he’d like to achieve by the end of 3months, help him achieve it by investing in it.

He wins you win, remember? If he’d like to lose a couple of pounds, work out with him, cook or order in healthy food. Research on “losing weight the healthy way” and share the knowledge with him. Don’t get obsessed with it though says, C. Elias. Check out his book Healthy Eating Tips to Lose Weight Naturally: Learn how to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight Naturally, and discover over 30 Healthy Food Tips for Life!for more healthy living tips.

Invest in his dreams, goals, and aspirations and you’ll have yourself a happy husband every day. When you don’t agree on some things, voice them out. Discuss, agree, and then settle on something that works great for the both of you.


You feel great whenever you feel needed, yes?  Then you understand why you need to need you, man!  Needing him emotionally, spiritually, sexually, physically, financially and mentally is what Helen B. Andelin – recommends.  Having counseled and salvaged several marriages.

I highly recommend you read her through provoking book fascinating Womanhood: How the Ideal Woman Awakens a Man’s Deepest Love and Tenderness. It is full of tips that will assist you greatly.

Needing your man does not, however, mean you become lazy! Strike a balance between needing him and being your own person.  Be capable of buying him a gift yet needing him to balance your financial life together, get it? Need and want him but still have a life and career of your own.

Don’t forget who you are! A strong, go-getter, beautiful woman!

Husband Happy Every Day

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#11 Respect his decisions

“Respect is earned, not demanded!” Know that famous quote? Well, try implementing it in your marriage! Earn that respect by being a respectable woman.  Respect his decisions and he will respect yours! He’s a grown ass man! Respect the fact that he can make his own decisions, Tony Evans  says this  in his bookFor Married Women Only: Three Principles for Honoring Your Husband”

Behind every respectable man, there is a woman respecting him. You’re not his mother! Quit acting like one!  Instead, acknowledge the fact that he can make his own decisions and RESPECT that!  Respect your man if you want him to respect you. Live an exemplary life! You won’t regret it! When his decision doesn’t make sense to you, find an amicable way of communicating this.

#12 Be spontaneous!

Having a routine is good. It helps in being disciplined and focused. However, if you want, need to make your husband happy, spontaneity is a must! Surprise him at work with his favorite takeout. Have some crazy make-out session in the car at night in some parking lot. Ask him out on a date and make it stand out!

Be different, at least every once in a while. Laura Doyle in her book The Empowered Wife: Six Surprising Secrets for Attracting Your Husband advises women to embrace spontaneity and think outside the box. You married the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. This is the rest of your life! Start enjoying it right away!

15 Ways to Make Your Husband Happy Every Day

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#13 Give him space!

Space is healthy! This is especially so in a long-term relationship. You should learn to give your man some breathing space. In The “Great Alone”: A Novel by Kristin Hannah women are reminded to stop being all over their man’s space. Let him breathe a little.

You don’t have to go out together every-time. Give him some days “off” to reconnect with his fellow mates.  It’s Ok if he sometimes locks himself up in the study or garage. Let him be! Learn to be in a relationship at the same time independent. Grant your husband his alone time. He’ll forever thank you blissfully.

#14 Forgive!

Learn to focus on your marriage rather than on the negative decision your hubby made. Whenever he drives you crazy, remember; this is just a situation! Your marriage is more important. If he’s truly sorry for the deed, forgive him! Yes, it’s that simple says, Laura Doyle.

Avoid keeping grudges for long periods. You’re hurting, he’s hurting, and your marriage is hurting so what’s the point? Acknowledge the mistake, discuss it, give him the chance to apologize, then together, figure out ways he will avoid hurting you the same way in the future then forgive!

See a counselor if you’re dealing with issues of adultery or abuse and are willing to forgive him.

# 15 Be, intimate-Pray together!

A prayer a day keeps the devil away, they say! Prayers in a marriage bring more intimacy! Still wondering? Yes, it does! Together in prayers thank God for your marriage and ask him to bless your husband and all his endeavors. This shows your husband the affection and the goodwill you possess.  A happier man who believes her wife cares so much about their marriage will boost his ego and increase his love.

In conclusion,

Nothing is impossible!  You are fully equipped and capable of making your husband happy every day. Implement the above 15 steps in your marriage today and watch your marriage transform. You deserve a great, blissful marriage and husband every day!

You must be willing and have the required resilience to succeed. As a woman, you have the power to build or destroy your home. Be the best version of yourself in your marriage and happiness will always be yours for the taking.

David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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