How To Get A Man To Fall In Love With You

By David Small •  Updated: 02/02/18 •  11 min read

Love is perhaps the most important emotion that exists. Without it, people would be unconscious of each other’s importance. There are so many people out there, but you do not fall for everyone who crosses your path.

The most interesting thing about this emotion is that the people we are affectionate about may not automatically express the same emotion towards us.


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If you are looking for the ultimate tips and tricks for getting a man fall for you, you will find them here. For centuries, women have tried (and most times failed) to understand men.

The science is so complicated that it only takes the most meticulous woman to get any man falling heads over heels. The following are the top tips to make him drool over you with undeniable affection.

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  1. Be a lovable woman

Stassi Reid is a contributing writer at The Talko. She agrees that falling for someone often involves a well-calculated science. She advises you to be a lovable, affectionate and loving woman before you seek a man who mirrors your attributes.

If you believe in this affection, at first sight, you may not get the appropriate man for you. Equipping yourself with all the adorable feminine qualities goes a long way in getting the desired attention. You have to be in great shape and appearance.

Every man desires a woman who takes good care of herself. Otherwise, how will you feed your man with healthy organic food if you eat pizza and burger every day? Is your house well-kept, feminine and welcoming? When you go out, do you show respect to other people such as the waitress in the restaurant and the elderly next door?

  1. Be original and authentic

Being pretentious and pompous can get the attraction of any man. However, a lady who is original and authentic will make the right man notice her and have a keen interest in her. Farouk Radwan is the author of “How to Make Someone Fall for You”. He advises all single and searching ladies to forget fairy tales and love movies, as they aren’t real.

If you are not good at tennis, a man will adore you when you fumble with the racket than when you pretend to be a star. Simply put, wear the usual clothes and hang out in ordinary restaurants. Farouk instructs you to be as feminine as possible.

Women are afraid of changing light bulbs and killing cockroaches. That is what your ideal man will like about you. Otherwise, he will be disinterested if you take up all his roles. Authenticity also refers to doing all the duties that the traditional woman did.

Get Your Man To Fall In Love With You

photo on by Jonas Svidras

  1. Let him be a man

You are probably reading this because you are an adult lady looking for the right man. The man of your dreams is an adult, so treat him like one. Heather Rinder writes in the blog, Her Campus that a man should never feel inferior than he actually is. Avoid the temptation of scolding or making him feel like a schoolboy.

Even if your guy is not as macho as you treat him, he will at least try to be. For this reason, build your life around his so that you do not try to change him. If he drinks and you don’t, let him enjoy his beer or whiskey while you enjoy your milkshake. Avoid statements, and deeds that conflict with his mindset and beliefs.

This does not mean that you have to agree with all his ideas, however strange and macabre. Just let him flex his masculine persona and he will love you for this freedom. When you respect his space, he will admire you more.

  1. Be mysterious

The reason your man is out there looking for a perfect match is that he has not found a woman in his circle. You could attract and keep him by being different, unique and at times mysterious. Obsession Desire, a leading blog writes 15 things to make your guy go mad about you. According to the blog, your prospective boyfriend should not know too much about you.

Allow him to think about your private life for a little bit. Even if he asks, do not spill the beans too early in the game.  “You will know soon”, is sometimes an appropriate answer to his probing questions. When a man knows you too well, he has nothing more to uncover.

A little mystery keeps the desire levels high. This is also true when he has fallen for you completely. When you settle down in marriage, let him guess and wonder what you will buy him on his next birthday. Be unpredictable by occasionally cooking something out of the ordinary.

Get Your Man To Fall In Love With You

photo on by Jonas Svidras

  1. Flirt with him the right way

This tip comes right after the previous because they are somewhat related. Flirting does not come naturally to everyone. Some things you say or do might be misunderstood by the other person. Felicia Vines wrote, How to Seduce a Man: 6 Simple Steps to Make Him Beg for Your Attention”.

Felicia agrees that one man’s meat is another man’s poison. The book advises you to know him first before saying or doing inappropriate things. Your man may not like your sudden erotic move when the both of you dance the night away.

Take time to learn his psychology because his likes and preferences may be the opposite of those of the man you last dated. Paying close attention to him while keeping eye contact is the great approach to more flirtatious things.

  1. Make him feel valued

Learn how to pamper your date with words, objects, and deeds that make him feel special. The occasional gifts are a welcome treat. Do more than just gifting your man because after all, all ladies do. Instead of the gift, plan and pay for a surprise weekend getaway out of town. Your thoughtfulness will make him like you more.

Nicholas Boothman is the author of “How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You in 90 Minutes or Less”.He says that the ability of a woman to make a man happy hinges on first impressions. According to the book, the first 90 minutes of your date are crucial.

Make him feel great by complementing his speech and non-verbal cues. When you are with your friends and you meet him, take time to be with him alone. If you must, walk him home or to the mall just so he knows that he comes before your friends.

Love With You

photo by by Jonas Svidras

  1. Don’t force his love for you

At the beginning, we said that love does not always come naturally. However, we must emphasize the fact that affection can never be forced. You can only do so much to force a man to have feelings before he bolts out looking for real affection. Bruce Bryans is the author of “Never Chase Men Again: 38 Dating Secrets to Get and Keep Him Interested”.

In the book, Bryans writes that any good feeling lasts only until one of the people feel they are being taken for granted. It is easy to trap a man with material things and promises. Some women go to the point of deliberately getting pregnant just to keep their men. This is a dangerous approach that will lead both of you to regret and heartbreak.

Let the man go if he does not love you. It is better to face the rejection early in dating than suffer heartache later in life. Bruce’s book helps you to attract a man that will stay in the relationship regardless of differences in background, status, education or even race.

  1. Communicate well and often, He Will Fall In Love With You

Non-verbal communication is just as important while dating as it is in marriage. Making eye contact with your man helps him see your affection in him. You will also find the unmistakable spark in his eyes. This, however, should not translate to gazing at him for hours on end.

Matthew Huse is a leading relationship coach and author of Get the Guy”. His book explores the male psychology, helping you attract and maintain the attention of the man of your dreams. As you take control of the dating game, develop a killer communication strategy. As opposed to talking about yourself all the time, talk about yourself half the time.

Call him at work occasionally, but not all the time. Send him cute text messages even where there is no need to. If he loves action thriller movies, send him a link to the trailer for a new series. Let your communication captivate him so that he is always thinking about you.

photo on by Melody Jacob

  1. Fill the missing gap

Men are tired of dating unfulfilling women. Your perfect match wants and needs someone who understands, complements and fulfills him. Simply put, he wants a package that is ready to fill the missing void in his life. How do you know that you are the best candidate for the role? Read Marie Forleo’s book,Make Every Man Want You.”

This book outlines just about everything that the modern man wants in a woman. If he is looking for a life-long partner, be ready to settle down in marriage. Does he want a woman who can take care of his kids from a previous marriage? Know this from the very beginning. If you cannot fill the void, save yourself (and him) the impending disappointment.

  1. Mimic (mirror) him

John DeVore writes for One of his most read blogs is titled 13 Things That Will Make a Man Love You Forever and Ever. This title perhaps sounds exaggerated, but you have to try the tricks discussed under the heading: they are hilarious and effective at the same time.

The writer asks you to mirror your man as often as you can. If he is telling you a story while he leans his head, lean yours as well. Does he have a smile as he tastes a new item on the menu? Smile back at him. When you mirror him, he feels that you are on the same wavelength as his.

Echoing his feelings shows that you are following closely at what he does and says. There is perhaps not a better way of saying that you understand. As far as your man knows that you understand him, he will be yours forever.


photo on by Daniel Spase

  1. Get close to him

Nadia Goodman is a writer at You Beauty, a relationships blog. One of her most popular pieces is titled 5 Proven Tips for Meeting the Man of Your Dreams. In this piece, Goodman asks you to put your best foot forward and go close to him. This is a delicate balancing act when compared to the above tip of being mysterious.

The fact is that you will not meet your perfect man at the all-girls volleyball tournament. Hang out where your typical partner is likely hanging out. Join the local church choir and be in another ideal situation.

If you already have set your sights on someone, be available by staying, playing and living near him. While at it, keep your mind open. Your perfect man might come in a size, color, and shape that you least expected.

  1. Exude boldness and self-confidence

The modern alpha female is often unable to find the love of her life. She often passes off as too masculine, bossy or unreachable. Most men shy away from dating such women for fear of being inferior. She needs an alpha male who will tame and complement her. If you are this type of woman, read Suzanne Venker’s book The Alpha Female’s Guide to Men and Marriage”.

Even if you are not raised to be the wife that men want, you can learn. Remember that we mentioned earlier that the art and science of love is, learned and not necessarily inborn. Attract your perfect match by exuding boldness without intimidating him. Men want women who are assertive and know what they want.

If you are an alpha female and he is an alpha male, learn how to tone down instead of competing with him. Know how to fight along with him and not fight him. Blend your self-confidence with his macho attributes. The result should be a good-natured relationship where both man and woman are winners.

David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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