Relationship Recovery: How To Recover From A Broken Relationship

By David Small •  Updated: 11/20/14 •  4 min read

packageI see so many ebooks on how to get the man or woman of your dreams, but very few that offer insights on how to live happily ever after. When does the gloss start to wear off your Relationship when the times get a little tough, when it’s not as easy to love your partner as it used to be, who do you turn to?

That’s a problem that plagues me a lot as I contemplate relationships, and it was at the forefront of my mind as I reviewed Rachel Rider’s “Relationship Recovery Steps” course recently. I get a lot of ebooks and courses come across my desk, each telling me that their method is the magic bullet, so it’s not often I get excited. Until now. recovery/

The first thing that struck me about Rachel’s book was how attractively it’s laid out. Not some hastily prepared ebook so typical of most sites, this book is professionally laid out and graphically designed, a good indication of the level of professionalism I have come to expect from Meet Your Sweet.

The next thing I noticed was the forthright and honest manner in which the author engages with the reader. Rachel is a newer addition to the Meet Your Sweet group of writers led by Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers, but she has quickly established herself as a credible source and a talented writer.

It’s refreshing to see her approach on how to move forward with saving a relationship. I see a lot of people looking for people to blame when a relationship is in trouble, and from my experience it only introduces a raft of new problems. Rachel’s approach where, she looks within the reader for a place to start is both poignant and productive.

After all, we can’t change how others act and behave in a relationship, so the best vehicle for change is within ourselves. Examining and challenging beliefs and behaviors is a great place to start, and leading this change by example is indicative of Meet Your Sweet’s progressive thinking when it comes to personal growth and empowerment.

Rachel covers topics such as soulfulness, understanding our evolution and personal development and the effect this has had on our current state, our belief systems, the life cycle of a relationship, communication processes, healthy relationship values, ways to reconnect with your partner even if you are the only one that wants to, and much more.

Covering nearly 200 pages, this course is a powerful medium for personal change and growth, in the belief that through personalID-10097588 growth and empowerment can come change in external influences such as your relationship and the way you interact with your loved one.

In addition to the ebook is a bonus book, “Repair After Separation,” plus a bonus interview with counselors Dr Rob Bilton and Melody Chase about their secrets on what every couple must know to develop a happy and long lasting relationship.

I was surprised at the high quality of knowledge passed on in this course, and think that with the right commitment to exploring these methods, any reader in relationship crisis can learn and apply some brilliant methods which can guarantee success.

But it starts with YOU.

I thoroughly recommend the Relationship recovery step course to any couple, married or otherwise, who are serious about delivering powerful personal change as a method to overcoming relationship troubles. It has changed my thoughts and beliefs about successful relationships, and goes far beyond most relationship-saving courses I have seen.

But don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself at: recovery/

All the best


David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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