3 Steps To Attracting More Satisfying Relationships

By David Small •  Updated: 10/01/14 •  3 min read


ID-10034254As long as the Law of Attraction has only the ‘DON’T want’ script, it is restricted to orchestrating that script over and over. We must give the Law of Attraction some NEW MATERIAL to work with.

What do you really want in your relationships? Security? Affection? Loyalty? Companionship? Communication? What?

Do you wonder why you keep attracting certain types of people into your life?

Are you tired of feeling disappointed in ‘love?

Have you ever been ‘blind-sided’ by someone you thought was a friend?

Do you feel desperate to find that special person you can live with forever?

Here are 3 steps to attracting more satisfying relationships in your life.

Step 1: Make a thorough list of all the characteristics or scenarios of your past relationships that you DON’T WANT to experience again. You can use the T-tool for this exercise or just take a fresh sheet of paper and draw a large ‘T’ on it.

Label the left-hand column: ‘I Don’t want’ and the right-hand column, ‘I Do Want’.

Ask your Inner Self to remind you of past events that you do NOT want to be repeated.

Write a few words about each event that express the essence of that event.

Step 2: Examine each item on the ‘I DON’T want …” side and ask yourself this question: “If I don’t want this, what DO I want?”

One major reason why we keep attracting the same unsatisfactory relationships is that we fail to use the contrast contained in those negative events to get clear about what we DO want.

Step 3: Write a Script about how you DO want your relationships to be:

As long as the Law of Attraction has only the ‘DON’T want’ Script, it is restricted to orchestrating that Script over and over. We must give the Law of Attraction some NEW MATERIAL to work with.

Scripting accesses all four parts of the brain.

The left brain which deals with words and logic;
The right brain which understands patterns and symbols ;
The mid-brain which experiences emotions; and
The brain stem which registers physical stimulation.

When we write a Script, starting with a phrase such as: “If I had my way…”, and use our imagination about that which feels good to us, we are accessing our right and mid-brain. A thought or feeling comes and we translate it into words (using the left brain) that symbolize the thought or feeling (right brain again). Writing the Script engages the body, which registers in the brain stem.

When all four parts of the brain are engaged, a powerful message is delivered to the Universe.

I like to end my Scripts with the phrase, “And do this in ways that are for my highest good and the highest good of everyone involved.” This is a phrase that helps me let go of ‘HOW” this will all happen, and allows the Law of Attraction to bring it about in the very best possible way.

Remember, the Law of Attraction brings us precisely what we vibrate. So if we want to experience relationships that are more satisfying, then we must change our dominant vibration to match the experiences we WANT to have.

David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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