51 Happy Marriage Tips That Will Improve a Marriage

By David Small •  Updated: 09/02/19 •  14 min read

When people get married, they are happier and more committed. They are in contact with each other and do not waste a chance to be romantic. Yet, the honeymoon phase of a relationship cannot last forever.

51 Happy Marriage Tips That Will Improve a Marriage

Photo by Yogendra Singh from Pexels

There comes a time when love stops being a feeling and becomes a choice. Without the work required to build a marriage, the result is a divorce. That’s why you need to learn workable tips to improve your marriage.

Table of Contents

What is marriage?

Marriage is what two people do to make their union official, public, and permanent. It happens when two people get enjoined in a bond that’s expected to last until death. Sometimes the union may end up in separation or divorce.

Marriages can be challenging, especially when it comes to working on happiness. There are times when you may need the intervention of a marriage counselor.

What Is A Happy Marriage Life?

A happy married life is defined in many ways. Yet, we define it as the situation of happiness between married couples. Such a couple loves one another very much and is committed to a working relationship.

In a happy marriage, there is a lot of positive energy. The man and women appreciate and are grateful for having each other. In a happy marriage, there is a lot of hard work, honesty, and open communication. Happily married couples have peace and do not go looking for what they are missing.

Signs of a Happy Marriage

Granted, a happy marriage can mean different things to different people. Yet, there are certain signs which cut across. The following are some of the signs of a happy marriage.

  1. Having your own space in which you can practice your hobbies and other interests.
  2. You fight, but without hurting each other. Instead, you resolve your issues and move on.
  3. The two of you share core values despite differences in your attitudes.
  4. Know how to let go and focus on making the relationship stronger.
  5. You may not be in love, but you still like your partner. In other words, your partner is your friend.
  6. Showing a lot of kindness to each other and not to strangers.
  7. Nothing is as important as being intimate with each other on a regular basis. But it is not about sex. Rather, you share jokes, bond, companionship, and are familiar with each other.
  8.  In your marriage, there are no secrets. Happy marriage life is about sharing anything and everything.
  9. ·Since you’ve got no secrets, you speak your mind all the time. In the same vein, you listen to each other before reacting to comments.
  10. ·Trust is another sign of a happy marriage. Where there is trust, there will be no insecurity. As such, you also live a stress-free life.

Are you a newly-married couple? How old is your marriage? Are you happy and would love to continue in the same trend? Read on! Your future blissful marriage will thank you!

Marriage Tips

Photo by Shvets Anna from Pexels

1. Focus on Your Relationship.

Regardless of how busy both of you are, you need to give priority to your marriage.

Drop anything and everything that threatens the marriage, including a hobby, job, and so on. Says ShauntiFeldhahn in this book Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages.

2. Take Time Away Together Often.

One of the best tips for a happy married life is to plan for a trip together. It can be the two of you alone or in the company of friends. Expect to reinvigorate the marriage.

3. Take Part In Mutual Fun Activities.

When you fall in a rut, look for fun things to do together. One of the best happy marriage tips is to take on a common hobby. It’s a good way of drawing you together.

4. Have a Life of Your Own.

The fact that you should put the marriage first doesn’t mean that you spend all your life on it.

The best marriage advice is to have a hobby and meet your friends, even as you work on your marriage.

5. Tell Your Partner to Have a Life Too.

Some partners tend to invest too much in a relationship to the extent of neglecting their own needs. Don’t sit and watch. Encourage your spouse to take a break sometimes.

6. Learn To Compromise.

To build a family together with your spouse, you must learn to compromise. Don’t insist on anything unless it is important.

7. Be Ready To Work on Your Marriage.

What makes a happy marriage? The logical answer is: “work”. Keep working on your marriage, even if you don’t desire it. That way, you will enjoy a long, happy marriage.

8. Like and Respect Each Other.

Like your partner in the sense that you respect and honor him or her. Without this, your relationship will feel more like a burden.

In The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman says this as one of the happy marriage tips.

9. Build Trust in Each Other.

If you are not careful, jealousy will cloud all other aspects of your marriage. One of the best tips for a happy married life is to build trust in each other.


Photo by Ajay Donga from Pexels

10. Talk like friends.

One thing about friends is that they hardly expect anything from each other. Not so for partners. So when talking to each other, do so as friends.

11. Talk like Partners.

You can never run away from the fact that the two of you are partners. That’s especially during the times when you need each other. You can’t find better marriage tips.

12. Remain Passionate.

Do you have happy marriage wishes? Then you should keep intact the genuine, pure passion you had for each other from the start. This strong, uncontrollable emotion keeps the marriage life.

Related Article: 17 Hidden Secrets That Will Save a Failing Marriage.

13. Dispense With Negative Emotions Fast.

Every marriage has its own fights and conflicts. As one of the best healthy marriage tips, you should be aware of negative emotions. Then you should dispense with them fast enough.

14. Have Some Alone Time.

To function well in the marriage, learn to be on your own sometimes. One of the workable tips for a happy marriage is to have some “you” time. Meditate, read a book, or watch a movie.

15. Schedule Spontaneous Moments.

Don’t get confused, spontaneity does not have to be abrupt. Make impromptu schedules of fun activities and follow through with them. That’s if ever you have happy marriage wishes

16. Learn To Listen.

Communication is as much about what you say as it is about how you listen. The best marriage advice is to listen to what your partner is saying. Watch for non-verbal cues.

17. Talk about Your Issues.

When you have personal issues, learn to share with your spouse. This is one of the best marriage tips. Don’t hesitate to talk about your worries.

18. Learn to Read Your Partner’s Moods.

Can you tell when your partner is angry, tired, or worried? Are you able to read your partner’s moods? You will be able to handle them in different circumstances.

This is according to Trent Powell in his book, The Secrets of a Happy Marriage: Tips on how to improve your relationship through communication.

19. Support Each Other.

What makes a happy marriage? When faced with a decision where it is hard to agree, it is important for one to back down and support the other.

51 Happy Marriage Tips That Will Improve a Marriage

Photo by Gui Vergouwen from Pexels

20. Help Each Other’s Dreams.

One of the tips for a happy marriage involves helping each other to meet personal dreams. What help does he or she need? Find out and offer it.

21. Grow Your Careers Together.

It would feel bad if only the career of one was the partners was growing while the other remains stagnant. One of the workable happy marriage tips is to support each other.

22. The Little Things Matter.

Do you have happy marriage wishes? Then do the little things such as saying thank you when your spouse does something good. These little things matter.

23. Have Realistic Expectations.

After settling down in the relationship, the initial attraction tends to wane. Don’t expect him to keep bringing home flowers unless you expect disappointment.

24. Respect Your Respective Families.

The in-laws are now part of your family and you must treat them as such. Even if you don’t completely embrace your in-laws, the best marriage advice is to show them some respect.

25. Be the First to Give.

Whatever you expect from your spouse, be the first to give. If you are looking for love, give love. You want happiness, make your partner happy. Whatever you give always comes back to you.

26. Don’t Expect a Perfect Marriage.

There is nothing like a perfect marriage. From time to time, you will fight, disagree, and go without sex. One of the best happy marriage tips is to go with the flow.

Related Article: 35 Marriage Experts Share How to Save a Marriage.

27. Don’t Make Comparisons with Other Marriages.

Don’t ever think that the grass is greener on the other side. If it is, then someone is watering it. The best marriage advice is to try to make your own marriage better by working on it.

28. Don’t Kill the Sex.

In a great marriage, sex is a must. After all, you can never get more intimate with your spouse than when having sex. So, don’t kill it! Follow the advice of Beverly Ann Warren and plan for sex dates!

Get serious with them too! Her incredible book Quickie Tips for a Happy Marriage is a must-read if you are serious about having a happy marriage.

29. Don’t Work On Changing Your Partner.

What makes a happy marriage? It is letting your partner adjust to the marriage through gradual change.

Don’t try to push him or her into changing. You wouldn’t like that to happen to you, would you?

Happy marriage

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

30. Don’t Allow Disagreements to Pull You Apart.

No matter how small or big a disagreement it, it isn’t prudent to allow it to fester. If you hold a grudge, the two of you will only grow apart.

31. Don’t Let All Your Life to Revolve Around the Kids.

The fact that you have kids doesn’t mean you forget your other relationships. One of the best happy marriage tips has been to always realize that you have a marriage to work on.

32. Don’t Stop Planning Together.

For your relationship to move forward, you need to plan for the future. Do you want to have a baby? What will you do at Christmas? When you plan together, you reassure yourselves of a great future together.

33. Don’t Hold On To The Past.

A marriage takes time to grow. From a newlywed couple, you build your intimacy with time. What makes a happy marriage? It is forgetting past disappointments and focusing on the future.

34. Hug.

Nothing tells your husband that you love him than welcoming him with a hug when he walks through the door. In fact, this is one of the happy marriage tips you cannot ignore.

35. Kiss All the Time.

You don’t need an excuse to kiss each other. Do it in the morning before each one of you leaves for work and in the evening while watching TV. You will grow strong together.

36. Touch and Touch Once Again.

One thing you should never stop doing is touching each other. Touch communicates how comfortable you are in each other’s company.

37. Express Love to Each Other.

Never stop saying “I love you”. One of the best tips for a happy married life is to always express how you feel towards your spouse.

According to the book 25 Tips for a Happy Marriage by Max Alina, actions alone aren’t enough. Expressing love for each other is also important.

38. Sweet Names Do the Trick.

Do you have a pet name for your spouse? If you don’t, come up with one. You don’t have to call her “pumpkin” in front of other people. In those private moments when you are alone, don’t stop using these names.

39. Make Him or Her Laugh.

Laughter is not a symptom of happiness, it is also the cause of happiness. So, don’t stop laughing together.

If you can’t think of anything funny, tickle each other. In his book Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Mark Gungor says this is the way to a happy marriage.

Happy Marriage

Photo by David Bussieres from Pexels

40. Say “Thank You” For No Reason.

Stop taking your spouse for granted. When he or she does something for you, say “thank you.” one of the best happy marriage tips is to always appreciate each other.

41. Always Apologize.

Do you have happy marriage wishes? Well, why don’t you keep saying “sorry?” It doesn’t matter who is in the wrong. Saying “sorry” will diffuse any tense situation.

42. Speak.

No matter what has irked you might be about an issue, it is prudent to step back and think about what you are going to say. Speaking always prevents the escalation of a conflict.

43. Inquire about Your Partner’s Day.

Are you looking for tips for a happy marriage? Ask your spouse how his or her day went down. It shows you care about them even when they are away.

44. Never Stop Being Romantic.

Take action to make your lives better. Try random acts of romance such as an impromptu candlelight dinner. Whatever you do, don’t wait for special occasions.

Related Article: 17 Unhappy Marriage Signs That Will Destroy A Marriage.

45. Respect Each Other In Public.

Nothing is more annoying than humiliation from your own spouse in public. Doing that only hurts your feelings and prevents you from strengthening the relationship.

46. Build and Maintain Boundaries.

Living together does not mean you have a free reign over each other’s lives. Define the boundaries you don’t want to cross.

47. Stop the Blame Game.

It takes two to tango. When faced with a problem in your marriage, it is likely that each one of you contributed towards it. The best marriage advice is to stop the blame game.

48. Always Ask for Your Partner’s Perspective.

Conflicts will happen. So, don’t reach conclusions before you hear your partner’s perspective. Knowing where your partner is coming from could clear the misunderstanding.

Happy Marriage Tips

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

49. List Your Happiest Moments and Never Lose Track of Them.

One of the best happy marriage tips is to count your blessings. What are some of the times when you were happy in the marriage? Make a list of all that.

50. Purse a Closer Connection with Your Partner.

The problem with most marriage partners is that they try to control each other. The best marriage advice is to seek a connection physically, mentally, and spiritually.

51. Never Stop Seeking Help.

There are times in the marriage when you will need the help of a third party to reach an understanding. It could be a couple you respect or a counselor.

In the book Strong Together, V.P Rosie advice couples not to shy away from Counseling.

If you need something, go for it! Go for the help your relationship is crying out for. You deserve happiness!

So what are you waiting for? Work on your marriage, starting now!

David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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