16 Proven Ways to Please an Older Man Sexually

By David Small •  Updated: 03/01/18 •  10 min read

There are no written rules as far as the age of dating is concerned. As long as you are able to satisfy your man sexually and emotionally, you can date from any age. If the man is at least 18 years old, you are good to go. For this reason, millions of young women across the world are dating men who are dozens of years older.

 Ways to Please an Older Man Sexually

Women dating men who are older than them have reported specific advantages over younger men. Key among these is the maturity and understanding that older men have. The other benefit is the fact that older men are not as physically or as sexually demanding as their younger counterparts.

There may be many benefits of dating older men. However, there is also a fair share of challenges and drawbacks. One of these is, of course, the prospect of satisfying the older man sexually. His sexual needs are different from those of a younger man. Discover the 17 top ways to please an older man sexually and enjoy a fulfilling life together.

  1. Take it slow and easy

If you want to please an older man sexually, know that he is not as fast as his younger counterparts. Take the game slow and easy to avoid puncturing his ego.

Do not expect him to be sexually aroused in a minute. Romance, foreplay and the sex itself might be long.

Set enough time for sex because he may not be up to the quickie that you need once in a while. Time and preparedness are the two most important aspects of making love.

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  1. He may need more sexual stimulation

Wayne Hoffman is the author of a leading dating and relationship handbook titled An Older ManThe guide helps you know how to stimulate, arouse and make your old man crave for sex. If he happens to be too slow to get aroused, do not be discouraged.

Some old men can come off as weird, strange and bizarre as far as the sexual stimulation aspect is concerned. Hoffman asks you to do what you must to please him and he will be yours for a very long time.

  1. Play sexy music

Music sets the stage for an exciting adventure. Ravishly is a dating and relationship guide where Michaela Mitchell writes a leading blog titled “6 Things Older Med Do Better in Bed.” The blog suggests that sexy music for older men makes them more receptive to sexual advances than a scenario where there is no sexy music.

As mentioned earlier, this will need time and preparation. Play him sexy music in the morning as he gets ready to go to work. As the music rings in his ears throughout the day, it reminds him of the great sexual escapade that awaits him at home.

  1. Write him notes for preparation

Pleasing and older man sexually involves more than bedroom action. Write him sexy messages on the phone while he is away. Belize Ann Furham is a respectable author of, among other books, Younger Women – Older Men.” The author agrees that mental stimulation is just as important for great sex as physical stimulation.

As he looks at the messages on his phone, his mind is jogged and anticipates great sexual action later that night. Be careful not to pass off as too invasive of his space. This is especially true if he is busy during the day and in the company of other people. Simply put, know how to strike a healthy balance.

Man Sexually

  1. Watch erotic movies together

It is rightly said that the mind is the most important organ as far as sex is concerned. RooGirl, a lifestyle, dating, and relationship outlines “20 Tips for Younger Women Dating Older Men”. This blog advises you to watch sexual movies together with your date.

There is something about erotic porn that works for men. The sheer fact that it arouses wild emotions is a great thing. For this reason, prepare yourself for action after the movie. Let your man know that you would like to try some styles and positions that you have learned from watching.

  1. Feel free to experiment with sex toys

Amy Sohn is the author of Younger Woman-Old Man. Amy shares personal experiences with you, as she has dated an older man. Take advantage of this guide because it offers valuable first-hand advice. The author recommends the use of sex toys in a relationship where the man is older.

Sex toys can compensate for what your man may lack in the bedroom. The size, length, and girth depend on your preference. As long as both of you are comfortable and safe can, satisfy your old man sexually using toys and watch him grin from ear to ear with unabashed delight.

  1. Encourage, not turn him off Your Older Man Sexually

Hello, Giggles is an online guide for people in love. One of the most useful pieces written by Gina Florio is titled “8 Way Sex can be Different with an Older Man”. The blog states that older men need more psychological attention including encouragement. He might not be the stallion that he was in his heydays, but he can still pull amazing moves.

Gina, the author of the above-mentioned blog is a keen researcher and columnist for matters sex. She gives an unadulterated opinion on how to motivate, encourage and inspire your old man. Kinky dressing and language in the bedroom are two leading things you could do to encourage him.

Man Sexually

  1. Sex is not just the act

“Sex and the Mature Man” is a leading sexual resource written by renowned author Louis P. Saxe.  According to Louis, a fulfilling sexual intercourse involves a lot more than the act itself. How well do you treat your old man? Are you the perfect wife or girlfriend that he needs? If the answer is no, your efforts to satisfy your older man sexually are perhaps futile.

The way you talk, treat and spend time with him matters a lot. All men want and need a woman who is caring, respectful and responsive. It does not matter if he is old or young- take great care of him and he will always want to be with you.

  1. Do not expect it daily

Marie Claire is perhaps one of the most notable dating and sex advice, resources for both men and women. Among their most read articles is one titled “4 Things I Learned from Sleeping with an Older Man”. The article suggests that older men are not as hungry for sex as younger men.

For this reason, do not expect to have great sex every night. He might just need to cuddle, touch and caress you, but not to go all the way. If this is what pleases him, let him be.

  1. Caress, touch and provoke his sexual organs

Sam Jones is the author of How to Give a Hand Job That Will Blow His Mind”. Sam advise you try many things when having sex with an older man, including your hands. You will be surprised to note that you can make him achieve an orgasm just by giving him a nice handjob.

Invest in your hands from today onwards. Wash them with tenderizer soap and keep them healthy through an application of lotion. While doing the hand job, pay attention to what he likes and be assertive. Let him tell you how he likes it and he will be your sex slave.

16 Proven Ways to Please an Older Man Sexually

  1. Perform Oral Sex

There is power in the tongue. This term perhaps applies to pleasing an older man sexually than it does elsewhere.  Jean-Claude Carvill is the author of Guide to Licking and Sucking”. This resource is especially great for younger women who do not know how to make their older men happy in the bedroom.

Giving head is today a must-do item for every woman dating a man. Since older men need more stimulation as mentioned earlier, your tongue and lips will have to do more work than just kissing. He is your king, so do what you must to become his queen.

  1. Eat libido-boosting ingredients

Woman’s Day is a leading online resource for women who are looking for great sexual experiences. It published an article titled “10 Things Men Wish Women Knew about Sex”. According to the author, Brendan Tapley, testosterone can be boosted by changing or upgrading your diet and his.

There is innumerable libido boosting supplements and drugs on the shelves of supermarkets. You can also search and buy online and have them delivered to your doorstep. Natural and organic plants such as nuts, beans, and herbs are also great for boosting the libido of a man.

  1. Give him his fetish

Bella Mackenzie is the author of “Sucking Him: A Woman’s Guide To Giving Head (+50 Tips & Techniques To Pleasure Your Man)”, a brazen guide for women who are afraid of giving their men their fetishes. Some men have weird fetishes and fellatios. We are not saying that you could allow him to hurt you.

However, try as much as possible to please your man sexually by sucking him, holding various erogenous zones and performing other unconventional fetish things. In return, let him know what your fetishes are and allow him to please you back.

  1. Have sex in the dark

Are you unable to please your man sexually in broad daylight? How about dimming the lights a little bit? Ian Kerner is the author of Passionista: The Empowered Woman’s Guide to Pleasuring a Man”.Ian is of the view that sex in the dark can be more satisfying than when all lights are on.

This is especially true if there is a shy partner in the relationship. While this tip may not work for everyone, there is no harm in experimenting it. On the other hand, invest in mood changing bulbs and have them in your bedroom ready to increase the sexual activity.

Man Sexually

 15. Seek treatment for sexual health problems

Mic.com offers advice in an explosive article titled “12 Pieces of No Bullshit Sex Advice from the Older Women Who Know Better than, We Do”. Melissa Hugel asks you to find a long-lasting solution for the problems that your man suffers. Does he suffer from a sexual problem such as premature ejaculation and lack of hardness?

Talk to a seasoned sexual health expert and let them recommend a permanent solution. All the while, encourage him by letting him know that you are doing this for the overall good of both of you.

 16. Enjoy your dry spell

Great Sex Tips” is a book authored by a leading writer called Anne Hooper. The author is a seasoned sexual health expert who boasts of solid years of experience. She states that you may have to go through a dry spell where sex is scarce. By the way, even the most sexually active people do not have it every day.

While you are in this spell, take time to bond with your husband or boyfriend in anticipation of the next bout of action. Cook, clean, wash, work and play with him while you are on a sexual break. This fun time should surely be rewarded when you resume sex.

In Conclusion,

Do not ridicule or admonish your man for showing little interest in you. Let him know what you need and what you want, as he tells you of his sexual needs. Lastly, read as many resources as possible about pleasing your older man sexually.

David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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