Learning how to satisfy your husband sexually is a lot easier than you think. You don’t need to be a porn star or some sort of sex-crazed nymphomaniac to make sure that you give him a good time.
When you actively engage in ways to trigger the sexual and romantic interest of your partner, you are actually doing him a favor by helping him to rediscover all the little things about you that made him fall in love in the first place.
Your man would love it when you take charge once in a while. While he may not say it, he would really love it. The truth is that men get tired of always initiating sex, and would want it if their women took the lead in the bedroom. “Get on top and show him that you’re the boss. Rip off his clothes and give him commands of what to do. He will be really aroused”. Says Kimberly M. White the author of Passionate Marriage.
Would you like your husband to gaze at you with the look he had when you first met? Or would you like to get your heat back and fire up your marriage? Do you want to see sparks fly each time the two of you connect? You sure have come to the right place!
The hints contained here will put you on the fast track to sexual intimacy and help turn on your husband sexually.
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- 26 Ways To Attract Your Husband Sexually
- 12 Proven Ways To Get Your Husband Interested Sexually
- 17 Ways To Attract Your Husband In Bed
- 7 Ways To Attract Your Husband To You
Table of Contents
FOREPLAY will Turn On Your Husband Sexually
Of course, foreplay is very important in this respect if you want to turn your husband sexually. Foreplay is just as important for men as it is for women, even though men are able to climax with a lot more ease.
Since you are able to make him climax faster, it doesn’t mean that you should cheap out on giving him arousal methods to work with. You should still do everything in your power to make him want you bad.
To arouse your husband sexually with foreplay, you should start off slow. Most men like things down quick and easy but when you spend a little time with him, you force him to savor things at the moment.
He is then able to feel your every touch and feel all of the stimulation that you offer to him. He can feel the warmth of your breath on his skin and he can feel your fingertips dance on him. When you slow things down sexually, he is able to focus on the little things more and this gets him very aroused.
Showing your man you want intimate sex with him is surprisingly simple. All you need to do is touch him more than you normally would, especially in his more intimate, erogenous places.
Making prolonged eye contact with him as well as letting him ‘catch’ you looking at his lips, bum, and crotch is another way to show him how much you want it.
Have you ever heard the saying “When a man talks dirty to a woman its sexual harassment, When a woman talks dirty to a man, it’s $3.95 a minute!
Talking dirty will help turn on your husband sexually and have your man salivating for you. Many people believe that dirty talk involves you using various expletives and bad language on your partner. They believe that the crazier they sound the better. This, thankfully, isn’t true. It’s much easier than that!
Yes, we all know that men are turned on mostly by what they see. But what you may not know is that if you want to vastly arouse your husband sexually and increase his sexual satisfaction when you are in bed together, then you need to learn how to talk dirty to him. Talking dirty to your man takes a little practice and work.
But once you master it, you’ll have another skill in your sex tool set that most other girls don’t possess. The first stage when talking dirty to your man doesn’t actually involve words. It simply involves you getting louder and louder during sex. You need to accentuate your moans and groans. This is quite easy.
Many women don’t ever even get to the second stage. So if you do, you are already ahead of them! Getting dirtier is actually pretty easy if you’ve mastered the first 2 stages.
You just need to start telling your man what you enjoy about him and what he is doing, “I love how big you feel” or “Keep hitting that spot” or “Keep going, harder” or “You feel so good inside me.”
But dirty talk during sex is only a start! Don’t forget that you can talk dirty to him during the day as well as through text if you want to turn on your husband sexually and keep him satisfied.
Sexually satisfied role models, like Madonna and the ‘Sex and the City’ sirens, encourage urban women to be open about their sexual desires and complaints.
Words are a powerful, often underused, tool when it comes to sexual shenanigans! So next time you’re in his arms, make your way to his ear and tell him what you want to do to him, or, what you want him to do to you! This will definitely turn on your husband sexually and make him happy as well.

Photo by haley-powers on Unsplash
Master the skills to Build A Stronger Relationship
Find out his kinks, fantasies, and fetishes.
There are certain things that can help turn on your husband sexually. It could be when you wear an extra tight pair of jeans or a pair of sexy heels or that top that reveals your cleavage more than usual. But with that being said, it could perhaps be something a little more wildly.
If you are serious about satisfying your husband sexually in the bedroom, then the most powerful thing that you can do is find out what his kinks, fantasies, and fetishes are and then do them with him.
Doing them with your man is actually the easy part. Finding them out and getting your man to open up is the hard part. Often your man may be slightly embarrassed or reluctant to talk about them with you. To get him to relax and open up to you is not that easy, unfortunately.
One way to approach it is to tell him some of yours first. Being the first to share is a great way to get him to reciprocate. Another way is to just say that you want to try lots of different things with him.
As you explain to your man each thing that you want to try with him, try to judge his reaction. Obviously, he is going to look more keen and excited about certain ideas than others and this will turn on your husband sexually any day, anytime!
Massaging your man’s scalp is one of those forgotten foreplay tips that will turn on your husband sexually within seconds. You can do it while you are just sitting down beside each other, when you are lying in bed, when you are kissing each other or even while making love, too.
But don’t just scrape his head with your nails! To massage his scalp, start from the bottom near the back of his neck or just above his ear.
Make your man lie down on the bed and apply warm oil on his aching body. Use lingering sensuous strokes along his back and down his legs making sure his body relaxes.
If you’re on the couch together, just slip behind him and start rubbing his shoulders. Then you can slowly give him soft little kisses on the back of his neck and take his shirt off! You’ll see how your little massage session will turn on your husband sexually and get you two in the mood in no time!
Another ultra-seductive way to turn on your husband sexually is to strip before him. He might have seen your naked form a myriad of times, but you may have been missing the chance to make it sensual. One of the sexy foreplay tips to turn on your husband sexually is by making him stimulated by what he sees.
You don’t have to remove all of your clothes all at once. Start by removing the sexy night dress, head to the bra and finally to the panties or thongs as you move your body in a suggestive manner.
Do it like the way they do it in the strip clubs. Create some imagination in his mind. Go bra-less! It might seem a bit crazy, but if you can afford to do every once in a while, you will be sure to get his immediate attention!
And by the way, I’m not just talking about taking your bra off in bed, I’m talking about not wearing a bra underneath your clothes during the day, so that your nipples show through when there is a draft, and there is a bit of extra bounce when you strut down the street next him!
Go bra-less when he takes you out for dinner, sit up straight and let those nipples tease him, this will definitely turn on your husband sexually immediately.
Wear perfume.
You can seduce your man by the way you smell. There are so many perfumes out there that claim to arouse your husband sexually. These contain notes of lavender and pumpkin that are even said to enhance his sex drive.
Go get yourself some! Scents can have a powerful effect on memory. The familiar smell of leather can transport you straight back to all the fun times you had making out in your first boyfriend’s posh car.
The smell of fish and chips can take you back to dirty weekends away by the coast. Try digging out an old perfume or shampoo you used to use when you and your boyfriend first started dating.
The familiar scent is sure to trigger a few memories and get him reminiscing about your first exciting months together. Remember that a familiar scent works like a sensory time-machine. Use them when you want to turn on your husband sexually.
Change something radical about yourself
A man is more likely to notice and feel attracted to a change in your appearance if it is obviously different from your usual look. Change is exciting because it is new and it makes him feel like he has discovered a new facet of your personality.
If you want a change and you want to take advantage of the chance to turn on your husband sexually and grab his attention while you’re at it, drastically change your hair color and you will feel and act like a different person.
He’ll immediately sense the sexy difference in your personality and the sexy confidence, and be turned on by the sexual implication of dating, let’s say, a redhead!
If you don’t want to go as far as a permanent change then look to your wardrobe and put together a sexy new look. Some noticeably high heels should do the trick if you normally wear flats. Change can arouse your husband sexually in a matter of seconds!
Surprise him by getting all fixed up and hot without any special occasion. To turn on your husband sexually, you can wear tighter clothes, or show off a little more skin than usual, or get some really sexy underwear, or go commando and bend down to pick something up. Do something a bit out of the ordinary and on the sexy side anytime you are feeling like it.
Sean Jameson, an article writer, and relationship expert say guys are visual by nature. They get turned on by what they see. So, taking care of how you look is a high priority if you want to turn on your husband sexually and arouse him.
Think of this as a “pre” foreplay tip to use before you even begin touching him. If you are both going to a party together, dressing up in something sexy and hot is going to start turning your man on hours before you start getting physically intimate. This is great for building sexual tension with him.
Guys just love making out in the shower. Kissing under a shower is a sure-fire way of getting your husband sexually fast. Work up a lather and sensuously wash each other’s bodies. It will leave you feeling fresh for the real action to follow.
You two, naked, water is running, the bathroom is getting steamy – he’ll go with the natural flow! So, pop in, smile mischievously, don’t say a word and just kiss him. He’ll be stunned at first but he’ll switch to being aroused in a matter of seconds don’t worry!
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself as much as possible and let it show. The happier you are, and the more you smile and laugh, the more beautiful you are and the more you’ll arouse your husband sexually.
Be fun, laugh, do fun things! Too many times, we get bogged down by life and responsibilities that we forget to take care of our intimate and love life. When your husband met you, you were likely a fun person. Get back there! Just shift your focus from your to-do list and focus on the things you love to do.
Don’t worry so much about planning the perfect date or the perfect romantic activity. You can have the most fun renting a goofy movie, hanging out at the mall, or taking an impromptu trip to the beach.
Practice your enthusiasm, take it up a notch, start getting excited about things! And wear happy colors too if you are really want to turn on your husband sexually!
It is a cliché that works like magic if you want to arouse your husband sexually. All men appreciate good grub, but if you want him to sit up and take notice when you have to make cooking for him into a bit of an occasion.
This doesn’t mean a fancy seven-course candle-lit mean, though. It means avoiding the kitchen in general so that when you do cook a slap-up meal, it will seem like a special event and your man will think you’re amazing.
Once you appeal to his appetite, he’ll be craving more of that yummy food, and if you are choosy about how often you cook for him, then his cravings will increase dramatically, and his appreciation will be displayed much more prominently… flowers, kisses, great sex… need I say more?
Also, if when you cook great food it leads to great sex, he will begin to associate the two, so that every time he thinks of your great food he will also start to think of how much he wants to ravish you!
When you mention that you might be cooking tonight –it will arouse your husband sexually and he might even start disturbing you for sex before you start cooking.
No guy minds having his girl be in control, especially, if you usually are not that way! Of course, you know him well, so you know how far you can go but a blindfold and a little light bondage never hurt anybody! Just saying!
No matter if you just grab him by the tie the minute he walks home from work and usher him to the bedroom or actually tie him to something in that very same bedroom –this will surely turn on your husband sexually.
When you take away one of his senses, it heightens all of the rest. Therefore, if he is not able to see what is happening to him, he will concentrate more on feeling it and on receiving it. Guaranteed this will turn on your husband sexually more than anything else.
Having you blindfolding him and taking control of him will be something that he will crave again and again.
Just touch to turn on your husband sexually! We are talking localized, and we are talking unprovoked. When you touch him or brush by an intimate place on his body, especially in public situations, you immediately pull his mind away from what’s going on around you, his focus will be 100% on you!
Reach into his trouser pocket without asking. You might be looking for keys, his phone, or just want to warm up your hand. His attention will immediately be on the fact that your hand is so near his penis. Team it with a knowing smile or kiss and you’ve caught him.
Alternatively, slip your hand into his back pocket while you’re walking down the street, to give him a sexy sense of feeling possessed. He’ll also enjoy the erotic sensation of his bum being stroked while he is walking.
Placing your hand on his inner thigh when you sitting on the bus is also a good one, and a little squeeze won’t go amiss! People think that they need to only touch him only on his most intimate erogenous zones.
The funny thing is that even touching your man on his arms, back, hands and neck are very powerful when trying to arouse your husband sexually.
Erotic slow dancing is a great tool to turn on your husband sexually. Enjoy a sensual dance which is the perfect appetizer for some raunchy bedroom antics.
If you really want to get his heart racing and to make things “grow” down there, then you should really consider giving him a lap dance. Not only does this make him aroused in record time, but it also helps you to get more comfortable and confident in your sexuality.
You can actually get really turned on by doing this to your man. One way to spice this up is to tie his hands behind his back on the chair. As you dance with him, prevent him from touching you, the sexual tension is literally going to become unbearable in his body.
These are a great way to turn on your husband sexually, show him how much you want him, and remind him of all those beautiful curves you are going to share with him later in bed! This isn’t as difficult to achieve as you might think!
One of the easiest ways to arouse your husband sexually is to make a few simple changes to how you move. The easiest thing that you can do with your body language is simply changing how you move.
Slowing your movements down when you are talking to your man is the simplest and easiest way to change things up.
Another way is by accentuating your movements so that your man can clearly see all of your best assets. There are a few things that can help you to accentuate your movements like wearing heels and wearing clothes that show off all your best bits.
If you want to turn on your husband sexually, then you can’t do the same old thing every time. You should be willing to experiment and to try new positions — as long as you feel comfortable doing it. If you’re always kissing in the same position, with him on top of you, try switching it around so you’re the one on the bottom — and the same goes for sex.
Not every new thing you try will feel great — but be open to the process. You can go back to your old favorite positions and try new things in the middle.
One of the things that I strongly believe in is the use of variation if you want to keep your husband sexually satisfied in the bedroom. Everybody (both guys and girls) have certain things that turn them on way more than anything else.
But if you focus solely on the same few things and use them over and over, you will inevitably end up getting bored with them.
I strongly advocate that every woman should constantly try new things in the bedroom with their man and intersperse these new things with what already works well. That way you will slowly but steadily build up a large database of killer sex moves that are highly pleasurable to your man.
Sex doesn’t have to start in the bedroom. You have to learn how to make him crave for your body before you get into the act with him. Arrange for a romantic dinner for instance. Touch him in a suggestive manner when you are out with him or give a sexy look. Better still you can give him a kiss on your way home.
This will create the necessary sexual anticipation. In a nutshell, this arouses your husband sexually and gets him in the mood before you get to the house.
Also, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Make a big deal out of planning a short holiday away with the girls. He will begin to miss you before you have even parted!
Then while you are away, keep in touch, but make it brief. Don’t give away too many details about what you have been doing, let his imagination do the talking, and feed it with sexual tit-bits to get his sexual desire for you churning – tell him you miss his kisses and cuddles, that sort of thing.
Soon you will arouse your husband sexually and you will notice that his texts get a little bit sloppier because he is missing you. When it is finally time to come home, he will be all over you, because of all the anticipation you have built up.
According to Michelle Jacobs, a relationship expert, If your sex life is suffering, then so is your marriage. Women complain that men in their lives are not faithful. While this may be partially true, it is also true that not all men cheat. Women are often clueless about the reason why men cheat.
Men have insecurities and when they are not shown sufficient attention, or if they are emotionally or sexually dissatisfied, they may cheat. It is also true that some men cheat because they are always looking for excitement, but many men also choose commitment and faithfulness.
If you are committed to turning on your husband sexually and showing him that he is the only one in your life and take care of him, there are fewer chances that he will leave you for someone else.
Since you are the only person you have control over, this is a very good place to start. And the sky is the limit for where personal changes will take you! Fish out a journal and pen and make a list of all the reasons why you are amazing. You will find you cannot stop once you get on a roll. This is good to build your self-esteem.
Every time you feel your spirits flagging, check in with your book, read over the old points, and add new ones. Make a list of compliments you have received even as far back as kindergarten: this will help bolster you further and turn your husband sexually into the bedroom
Surprise him by getting all fixed up and hot without any special occasion to turn on your husband sexually. You can wear tighter clothes, or show off a little more skin than usual, or get some really sexy underwear, or go commando and bend down to pick something up.
Do something a bit out of the ordinary and on the sexy side and be sure to arouse your husband sexually.
Sean Jameson, an article writer, and relationship expert say guys are visual by nature. They get turned on by what they see. So, taking care of how you look is a high priority if you want to turn on your husband sexually and arouse him.
Think of this as a “pre” foreplay tip to use before you even begin touching him.
If you are both going to a party together, dressing up in something sexy and hot is going to start turning your man on hours before you start getting physically intimate.
This is great for building sexual tension with him dressing up in something sexy and hot is going to start turning your man on hours before you start getting physically intimate. This is great for building sexual tension with him.
This is something that I can’t emphasize enough. If you want to arouse your husband sexually, you need to touch him! Yes, guys certainly do get aroused by what they see, but if you want to take it to the next level, then you absolutely must touch him!
People think that they need to only touch him only on his most intimate erogenous zones. The funny thing is that even touching your man on his arms, back, hands and neck are very powerful when trying to arouse him.
Don’t just touch him for a quick second and then shy away, make each touch last at least a few seconds. There’s just something totally arousing about acting a bit inappropriately somewhere where you’re not supposed to be doing the naughty!
Like at a fancy dinner or at a cocktail party or something… Of course, you don’t want to make it distasteful and you don’t want other people to catch you copping a feel! So keep it light but allow yourself a little playtime if you’re feeling playful – be sure he’ll still be ready to go when you get somewhere private!
This does 2 things: it arouses your husband sexually and also lets him know how you feel about him.
There is a massive difference between being sexual with your man and building sexual tension with your man. If I was to give you only one choice of how to act around your man, I hope that you would choose to build sexual tension every time.
It’s incredibly effective at slowly arousing your husband sexually while also keeping him turned on and constantly thinking about you. Being overtly sexual with your man is not nearly as effective.
Being overly sexual may turn him on for the moment, but it’s not going to keep him thinking about you.
Hopefully having practiced these, you will find flames all around you when you and your man come in contact! It is an on-going thing: if a fire is not given fuel it does die out. You cannot make an effort one day and expect it to last all your life. Yes, you can get your heat back…and yes, it is contagious!
You should take a little more time and spend a little more effort on arousing your husband sexually and get him going in the bedroom to the point where he cannot take it anymore and where he has to have you right then and there!
“In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn’t fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it.
This isn’t because the universe is cruel. It’s because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and knows we don’t appreciate things that fall into our laps”.(Neil Strauss, “The Game”)
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