Mort Fertel Marriage Fitness Bootcamp: A Comprehensive Review

By David Small •  Updated: 08/16/17 •  22 min read

Marriage fitness Bootcamp was created by Mort Fertel to help couples rebuild their broken marriage. As an expert in relationships, Mort Fertel is well known through his success of saving marriages and relationships on the brink of break up. His marital journey was not special, it had its fair share of problems, and he shares his personal journey as a tool to help marriages succeed.

In his story, he describes how devastating it was when they fell apart with his wife. Losing two children at a go, a tragic incident that left both of them bitter and spitting blame on each other. At this point, their marriage was on the brink of divorce, but he loved his wife and didn’t want to lose her or the marriage.

Through his personal experience, he realized two things, he wanted to save his marriage and that marriage counseling was not working. The journey to mending his marriage began with an acceptance of the wrongs he had done not only to his wife but to the marriage institution.

Marriage fitness boot camp brings together two people ready to save their marriage using the resources he provides. Here is a comprehensive review of Mort Fertel marriage boot camp will look at his program in detail together with its benefits.

1. The Marriage Fitness Bootcamp Audio Learning Program Review

Ever heard of Miracle Marriages? The marriage fitness audio learning program designed by Mort Fertel is not your ordinary marriage program, it’s a save your marriage manual. While marriage counseling is highly recommended for marriages on the rock, marriage fitness is an alternative. He believes that to make things work again in a Marriage Fitnessrelationship, communication is just part of the program. In this case, the marriage fitness program helps you save your marriage using tried and tested strategies.

He believes in neutralizing your problems as you implement the positive habits which will, in turn, change the way you and your spouse relate. Couples who have gone through the program, say it helped them make sense of their feelings without hurting each other.

As you go through the program you will notice a better tolerance percentage towards your partner, helping reconnect and restore the relationship.

The marriage fitness audio learning program is simply to get your marriage back in shape... With 5 ½ hours of audio learning, you get step by step instructions on saving your marriage as well as inspiring stories to keep you going. He reiterates that the process is not easy for any couple, but the results will show if you follow the program diligently.

Marriage fitness intends for couples to rediscover each other and their feelings. It helps you learn new ways to relate to your spouse in an intimate way.

In the marriage fitness audio learning program you will learn:-

·         How to snap out of destructive patterns of behavior

·         He teaches how to stop dwelling on the past and start moving forward

·         How to get over the old hurt

·         7 daily acts that will rebuild love in your marriage

·         5 weekly habits that will soften your marital environment

·         2 monthly acts that will restore romance between you

·         How to get your spouse to change

·         The 4 primary principles of LASTING love

2. Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Review

Just as the name suggests marriage fitness boot camp is a true definition of getting down and dirty with your issues. It takes couples through the ins and outs of each partner… Mort Fertel goes an extra mile with the telephone-booth camp with well-structured resources inclusive of case study calls from different couples. Through the boot camp couples in marriage go to a place where forgiveness is fundamental to mending past mistakes.Mort Fertel

If you are looking to mend your marriage then you will need to change your destructive patterns. You see in marriage, partners tend often do things without realizing they are destroying their marriage. Using Mort Fertel’s program you get to find out the destructive patterns and start working on them.

More concisely he focuses on rebuilding trust, this mostly affects couples whose spouse has been unfaithful. In addition to this he teaches you as a couple to love each other again, this goes through what he calls the 7 daily acts of love.

Going back to points in your marriage that hurt you can slow the process of rebuilding your relationship. What Mort Fertel does through marriage fitness boot camp is that he teaches couples how to work towards creating a healthier environment. He forces couples to break those walls learn to say sorry, learning to properly apologize to your partner.

The marriage fitness telephone boot camp touches on the emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of a relationship. Through his knowledge and experience, he uses different techniques that not only saved his marriage but continues to save much more. It’s an all rounded program that focuses on you as a couple and works on you as individuals.

Mort Fertel leaves nothing to chance in this program he explores and identifies your relationship mishaps. As individuals and as a couple he helps you assess your marriage and take you through the mending process.

3. Mort Fertel Marriage Fitness Bootcamp Free download Review

Mort Fertel understands the concerns of married couples who have gone through counseling but it has not worked. On his website, he offers you a free download dubbed ‘7 secrets to saving your marriage’. As a part of his subscriber’s email list, you get first-hand advice from a relationship expert as well as excerpts from marriage fitness program.

In the free downloads, he shares his journey as well as lessons that will help you rebuild your marriage. You get to learn how to rebuild your trust with your partner be it if you’re going through infidelity issues or normal trust issues. In this free download, he goes deep into giving readers a well thought out step by step plan to help you in your journey. As a relationship expert, Mort Fertel tends to share stories from past case studies to help you learn from real-life stories.

In the email newsletters, he provides detailed strategies to help you overcome your personal issues. Before deciding whether the program is good for you Mort gives you free advice that will build the foundation for reconciliation and rebuild a failed marriage.

Couples in marriage are given the leeway to change their attitudes and believe in each other again. Reviews from real-life experiences of couples trying to save their marriage show that his strategies work. All you need is commitment and the will to go through the steps. Rebuilding your marriage will require you to down your pride and ego for you to get to the next level. He shares his process openly and opens up the discussion with couples still struggling to find a middle ground.

Free downloadable information means it’s free to use and implement, take advantage of this free advice before investing in one of the programs. By taking up the free advice you will then figure out whether the program is for you or not.

4. Mort Fertel Marriage Bootcamp Assessment Review

Mort Fertel marriage assessment program is in tune to help couples figure out their specific problems. When you visit Mort Fertel website you will see the assessment section, it’s free and you can do this with your partner. More so Mort offers relationship assessment to couples to help them figure out their differences or disconnect. He has assessments on fidelity, knowledge of your spouse, giving patterns and decision making.

Marriage assessment is made to essentially help you make the right program decision. When you visit the website, you will get prompts that will ask you to subscribe to their newsletter. It’s the best way to get started with marriage fitness; the assessments are short and will help you identify key problems areas in your marriage.

The Mort Fertel marriage assessments cover five areas that will essentially help you figure out your troubled marriage. Mort focuses the program on key specific areas he believes is the cause of marital problems. One of the many reasons couples disconnect is the lack of appreciation towards their actions or even with their roles.

Here is a breakdown of the marriage assessment Mort Fertel uses for couples

  1. Priority- This assessment focuses on how you prioritize your partner whether it’s emotionally or physically.
  2. Knowledge of your spouse- Do you know your spouse?
  3. Giving patterns – For the better part of your relationship how much time and energy are you putting in your relationship and showing your spouse you care.
  4. Decision making- is their inclusion in decision making with your partner?
  5. Fidelity- is your behavior contributing to infidelity?

Once you go through the assessment, an evaluation of your responses will be sent to you through the mail. In addition, you will receive free advice into your mailbox on a regular basis. Consequently, you can use this advice to further assess your marriage problems and figure out comprehensive solutions.

5. Marriage Fitness home Flex Review

Marriage fitness home flex is a 9 phase interactive self-guided system. In this system, you work with your partner to transform your relationship with the step by step guide provided in the program. Mort Fertel describes this program as multi-sensory as it touches on all senses of your relationship and marriage. He guarantees that it will help you reconcile your marriage but it will require work for it to succeed.

As he continually points out Mort Fertel believes every marriage can be saved, from any tragedy but, he is also quick to add that both parties must also be willing to go through the process. He reiterates that the marriage fitness home flex gives you all that you need to reconcile your marriage at your own pace. There is no rush on rebuilding the relationship as each step is well outlined and you can easily follow through.

Unlike other marriage programs, Mort Fertel puts work into the program by providing strategies, tools and even case studies. In the program, you will find his secret to transforming your marriage and giving it a quick 180 turn around. Every strategy, tip, technique, insight, idea, and tools included in this program is proven to work. In addition, Mort Fertels marriage fitness home flex reveals the principles governing your relationship.

Before getting into the program it’s important to note that the program is not a quick fix you need to work. The program will not only help you reform the roots of your relationship but it will guide you in implementing new relationship habits. You and your partner need to be committed to going through the 9 phases in the program for it to work. As with all programs you need to work for your marriage to actually work.

6. Marriage fitness lone ranger track Review

As part of his marriage fitness boot camp program, Mort Fertel includes the lone ranger track. If your partner is not willing to go through the process with you, you can do it alone. It’s an audio track that covers different aspects of reconciling and rebuilding relationships.

Marriage is a two-way institution but when you have separated with your partner it’s even easier to lose each other. The lone ranger track covers strategies, guidelines, ideas, and step by step instructions to help you save your relationship.

When he designed the lone ranger track Mort Fertel had in mind obstinate spouses who are unwilling to work on the marriage. When dealing with an uncooperative spouse it can be frustrating, to say the least. What the lone ranger track does is that it gives you the right steps to win back your spouse. The program is designed with strategies to help you attract your partner back into your marriage then lead you into restoring it.

In marriage, it takes two to tango as it has been said for many years, but it’s not really the case. Nevertheless, Mort Fertel confirms that a marriage can be transformed by one spouse. Using the lone ranger tracks you will learn to single handily improve your marital status and inspire your spouse. Working alone to rebuild your marriage can be frustrating especially if you have already separated.

In reviews from users in this program, they confess that it’s not an easy process winning back your spouse. In this regard, they also define it as a miracle worker especially for those couples who had ultimately given up. Mort Fertel urges spouse to be proactive if they really want to save their marriage in the 7-week program.

7. Marriage Fitness Book Review

Which marriage book have you read recently? Marriage can be complex or simple depending on how you look at it. Mort Fertel marriage fitness book is your go-to guide with the steps to help you rebuild your marriage. The best part about books is that you can go back and revisit topics later as you continue to go through the marriage fitness essexperience.

Marriage fitness: 4 steps to building and maintaining phenomenal love continues to be a best seller. The book comes with 4 distinct steps that have helped marriages transform and couples learn to love each other again.

Step one is put love first, this step teaches spouses to prioritize each other as well as giving attention to each other. It’s a well-rounded step that not only encompasses the marriage institution but also includes children in marriage.

Step two gives presence where couples are encouraged to be more giving to their partner. In this step, you learn how to become part of your spouse by giving the best of you.  Building intimacy in a broken marriage will help you become better for each other.

In step 3 Mort Ffertel teaches you how to make decisions together as a team. Decision making is a critical part of relationships it’s supposed to be inclusive for both parties. For those facing marriage break-ups or on the verge of divorce this step is especially important in rebuilding trust.

In step 4 it’s all about implementing what you have learned without holding back. Complete with exercises to guide you on becoming better and experiencing love.

As part of his marriage fitness boot camp program, this book plays an integral role in keeping couples focused on their marriage.

8. Mort Fertel Book: 43 ways to make a good marriage great Review

This is not your ordinary marriage book, it’s a workbook. You will find intriguing stories, case studies, brilliant insights as well personal reflections. Mort Fertel brings forth 43 straight-forward, practical straight-forward steps that will guarantee that you will energize your relationship. It will inspire you to roll up your sleeves and make your relationship work. It’s well-tuned emotionally to give you a nudge in the right direction.

His approach in this book is more of a learning experience, activity based for couples. Learning to improve your marriage is an important part of becoming better; in this regard, he makes it approachable. Be ready to experience a whirlwind of emotions as you go through these activities and start building your marriage.

Exercises in this workbook focus on rebuilding love as well as intimacy. Unlike other marriage books, this one is highly recommended, it pushes through the walls of marriage. Acts of love and commitment to your partner while appreciating them will help you build your relationship. Focus on rebuilding and it will nurture and grow.

9. Marriage Fitness with Mort Fertel Reviews

I am not sure I could have done it without you. I would have given up and believed that because he was with someone else we were done. Thank you. We are forever indebted…Read Full Review

Debby Salter, M.D.
Lakewood, CO

Best money I’ve spent. My wife was totally against it and wanted nothing to do with me. So I did it myself and after a few days she gave in and gave it a try. I must say it opened both of our eyes and we are doing better than ever. We definitely still need work, but your techniques definitely have us going in the right direction.

I believe I can definitely say it’s a success story even though it’s only been 3 weeks. We talk, laugh, and have fun again. Thanks again and I definitely recommend it to anyone that was in my situation.

Pete Llamas
Gurnee, Illinois

I never suspected his infidelity. That was 2 years ago and nothing short of a miracle has happened. Our family is restored and our future is bright. It would not have been possible without your help…Read Full Review

Karen & Cory Crognale
Gahanna, Ohio

About a month and a half ago, my wife told me she was done and wanted a divorce. I came across your website, saw the accolades. Actually called in and spoke to your assistant saying “does this really work?” I ordered out of desperation, believing that I wasted my money.

I’m almost halfway through the program and I can say that it is never too late. I have not asked her to join me yet and she doesn’t even know the name of this program. I simply wanted to share and encourage others to not just order this program… WORK this program…Read Full Review

Bob Ernsberger
Stallings, NC

About 3 years ago I was on the verge of divorce. Very shortly thereafter got your Tele-Boot Camp package and thank god the information was brilliant. Your package was pivotal in saving my marriage...Read Full Review

Mikk Sachar
York, PA

I have a very stubborn husband…I ran across Mort…he was just so good…it helped our marriage tremendously…my husband became very selfish and prideful…Mort helped him turn that around.

Cynthia Lundquist
Cathedral City, CA

I am willing to provide a testament to how the program assisted me in transforming my marriage and my life. It would need to be done in a manner that is completely anonymous. I am a public figure and we would need to do it in a manner that a viewer could not ascertain that I was the subject.

We began planning the amicable dissolution of our marriage – I was searching for assistance in how to do that and encountered Marriage Fitness. It changed the course that we were on – and changed our lives…Read Full Review


My husband was out of the house and involved with another woman. Your program changed my life and is currently changing my marriage…Read Full Review

Marcie Fiorentino
Somerville, New Jersey

GAME CHANGER. This program was so straight-forward and helpful for me. Mort has a great way if keeping it simple yet powerful. This program was not only tremendously helpful with healing myself but my relationship and view of my spouse.

I did the Lone Ranger track and could see a shift in myself and my husband relatively quickly. While it is a lifelong journey and truly a change in lifestyle, Mort gives all the tools you need to be successful. Thank you!


My husband had an affair with a co-worker. I ordered Mort’s program and did the lone ranger track. Started the program myself and 3 weeks into the program I confronted my husband and he confessed. I gave him the program and he decided to do the program with me. We listened every week to the call in the conference.

One year later we saved our marriage because of Mort. There is still pain and healing to be completed, but we are on our way to getting our lives back and saving our marriage and family. If your marriage is in crisis, do this program!… Read Full Review

Huggie K.
New Jersey

I felt myself such a desperate place…I did not know where to turn and did not want to tell my friends…until I came across Mort Fertel…I bought his $400 CD series…I listened to his CD’s for hours and hours…Mort Fertel is a unique person…honest and believable…I stuck with him and I did all his advice step by step…my husband came back…we were estranged for 5 years…because of the practical tools that Mort gave me we were able to turn it around…now we go for a hike and hold hands and it’s just incredible…he’s changed 360 degrees and I have too…Read Full Review

Maria Marsella
San Anselmo, CA

I started on the Lone Ranger Track. Here’s a person who didn’t want to talk to me 2 weeks ago but now wants to spend every single possible moment. It doesn’t take 2 people to save the marriage.

Eric Cole
Lisle, Illinois

Your program saved my marriage. My husband was really resistant. He made a major turnaround. We have been inseparable since! It really works and it creates miracles. What happened to me feels like one…Read Full Review

Sandy Dieter
Whitehall, PA

After listening to the first CD, I was blown away, and things started to make sense. Without this program, I would have said and done all the wrong things. Today, our marriage is the best it’s been…Read Full Review

John Ellis
Acton, MA

I didn’t believe any love was left after many dysfunctional, neglected years of marriage. We’d grown so far apart that I left my husband. My husband sunk himself into work/hobbies. I sunk into resentment and anger. We were strangers – less than roommates.

I believed my marriage was over. God had another plan for us. He guided me to find your website. The Marriage Fitness Program inspired us and gave us a spark of hope. I’m so thrilled to report that my husband and I have reconciled and lived under one roof now…Read Full Review

Sandra Shelton

I would like to personally thank you!!!! You saved me!!! My relationship with my wife was over. It was done! It has now been rekindled. Slowly. One chip at a time. I have been never felt so thankful. On behalf of my Wife Nadia, my Children Ronnie, and Analiese, myself, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Chris Morand
Kakabeka Falls, Canada

At the time I signed up for your boot camp almost a year ago, Leamarie moved out of our house and to a different city. I start looking for counselors online and wallah, I found you. I read your background info and I signed up for your boot camp. For the past 10 months, we’ve moved back together into a new house and are going from there. Thanks for your wisdom!

Paul Deleon
New Richmond, Wisconsin

Last year at this time I was hopeless in my marriage. I didn’t think my husband and I would make it another month. I hesitantly signed up for your course and hoped for the best. Mort, I just want to let you and everyone else know how much your program has truly saved my marriage.

It has been tough, but slowly it has transformed into a beautiful, fulfilling friendship, and relationship. We have grown together in more ways than I ever imagined but had always longed for. Thank you, Mort, for your guidance that has saved my marriage and family.

H. Gardner
No longer lonely in Louisiana

My Wife left me in February and wasn’t coming back. No need for anonymity, I am a firm believer in your product and it saved my marriage…Read Full Review

Graham Minter

It was the darkest time of my life. You always hear “it takes two” and my husband was not interested. Ultimately, I changed so much…our marriage is better than it was…because of Mort’s help…Read Full Review

Heather Powers
Westwood, MA

I want to tell you that your program saved my marriage. He was not only having an emotional affair but also having a mid-life crisis. I’m so happy we chose to work it out. Thank you xxx…Read Full Review

Becky Flaherty
Queensland, Australia

My wife moved out of our home on Nov. 1, 2015. I called your program “How to save your marriage for dummies”! I can tell you that my wife and I are together and happier than we’ve been in years…Read Full Review

Mike Barnett
Moore, Oklahoma

I was desperate cried and begged. I found Marriage fitness. After 9 months of saying get out, she said: “how do we heal?” It’s been 4 months since our reconciliation and we feel a sense of optimism…Read Full Review

Arturo Garcia
Lynwood, CA

Immediate results as of the first 3 months of joining the Program. I am happy to report that my husband and I are back on track. My husband has been remorseful towards his actions and hurt he caused…Read Full Review

Caroline MacIver
United Kingdom


Mort Fertel’s personal experience helped him build a marriage fitness program that has helped millions of couple

around the globe. This comprehensive review will help you understand which program fits your current relationship situation. Engage in the free marriage assessments and see how you can make your marriage divorce-proof.

Reviews from couples show just how exemplary the program is. Separated, divorced, in the divorce process are just situations that can be salvaged. Work on it, invest in it and begin to enjoy your marriage again with the best relationship expert. One-on-one conference calls with couples on the verge of divorce record the highest reconciliation according to reviews. Marriage fitness boot camp is the best marriage counseling alternative for struggling couples.

Mort Fertel continues to help thousands of couples through his books and programs. Visit his website and get more resources as well as tools to help you through your own broken marriage. It’s time to let your marriage glow with happiness and love!


David Small

is the founder and editor of relationshiptips4u. He is a dating, marriage & relationship coach, speaker, and author. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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